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About Epiphany Creations

Hello! I am the Natty, creator of this beautiful store that gives love.

Create Epifanía Creaciones because crafts have always been present in my life. At school I stood out for my creativity, then I dedicated myself to science for several years, I studied Biotechnology Engineering and I ended up working in the commercial area of a toy store, but I never abandoned my dream of dedicating myself to what I am passionate about and love.

I started doing lettering, then I learned to embroider, until I discovered crochet and fell in love.

In 2017 Epifanía was born, weaving healthy dolls with copper-coated cotton, which eliminates viruses and bacteria, taking care of your children's health.

today design  and I sew  bags to carry  tissue  with beautiful fabrics that will make you sigh!

Each product is created with love and dedication. Being a handmade product, it is unique and its production time is slow. Hope you like the store and become an EpifaniaLovers

Welcome to Epifanía, a store to give love!!

Somos una tienda online de diseño y creación  de bolsos, estuches y complementos textiles para tejedoras y para el día a día. Creamos piezas únicas con telas estampadas y teñidas a mano.

Te acompañamos en tus procesos creativos para que seas una tejedora feliz.

Tienes algún proyecto en mente?

Llevemos nuestro negocio a otro nivel y colaboremos en con junto. Cuéntame sobre tu proyecto escribiéndome a 

Te espero!

Epifania Creaciones tienda online de bolsos, bananos, mochilas y estuches. El complemento perfecto para organizar tus tejidos. Despacho a todo Chile

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© 2024 Epifanía Creaciones| Santiago Chile

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